Ethereum Contract Execution Error: Unable to Pass Argument
As an Ethereum developer, you are not alone in facing this issue. In this article, we will look at the causes of the error “TypeError: unsupported addressable value” when executing a contract with parameters.
What is happening in your code?
Let’s take a closer look at your unit test code:
const args = [/ some arguments /];
const certificate = new Certificate(args);
In this case, the `args
array contains multiple values (e.g. addresses, strings, or other Ethereum objects). However, when you pass these arguments to the
new Certification(args)`constructor, it tries to create an instance of the
Certification`contract using the
&`operator, which is not the correct way to pass arguments in JavaScript.
Why does this error occur?
The cause of this bug lies in the way Ethereum contracts work. When you call a function in a smart contract likeCertification, it expects only one argument: the address of the instance object that will receive the result. When you use the
&operator with multiple arguments (e.g.
[ “address” ]), you pass an array of values to the contract, which is invalid.
What can you do to fix this issue?
To fix this bug, you need to pass a single argument to the contract instead of an array. Here are some possible solutions:
1. Pass only one parameter
Instead of using&with multiple arguments, simply pass only one value:
const args = [/ some value /];
const certificate = new Certificate(args);
This should fix the problem.
2. Use JSON.stringify() to convert values to strings
If you are passing a value that can be converted to a string using JSON.stringify()`, you can pass it as a string:
const args = [JSON.stringify({ / some value / })];
// or
const args = [/ some value /];
This is because JSON objects can be serialized, so any values with properties like the “address” field will be converted to a string.
3. Wrap the argument in an object
Another possible solution is to wrap the argument in an object:
const args = { address: "some_address" };
const certificate = new certificate(args);
This creates a new object with only one property that can be passed as a single value.
In summary, when executing contracts with parameters, it is important to pass the correct argument format. By using “&” with multiple arguments or wrapping the values in an object, you should be able to resolve the “TypeError: unsupported addressable value” error and successfully deploy your contract.
Remember to always test your code thoroughly to ensure that issues are resolved before deploying contracts to the Ethereum blockchain. Happy coding!