Bitcoin: If already started Bitcoin Core using the daemon, and I’m in IBD, if I stop it to start it up again through the GUI, will I run into any issues?

Configuration of the Bitcoin core with help Demon and graphic polish interface (GUI)

As a bitcoin core, which has already been operated in an integrated medical program (IBD), you can stir with some problems for launching the launch or transfer of graphic interfeiss (Gui). In this state, we dissatisfied, what to go, and the conspirating communities about the tom, how to set the settings of graphic interface.

Running Bitcoin core with Demon

At the launch of the nucleus Bitcoin with the Demon process, he is surely actively acting automatic system. There is no lesser, there are several walls, in which its gui can be taken to the problems:

1 This can release such problems as the transfer of the VZ or the corruption boot.

  • Special configuration for GUI : graphic interface of the poliser is not predicted for the processing processes of demons, which can be drawn to the difficulties of settings.

Bitcoin kernel is stacked from Demon

To keep the core of the bitcoin with the demons, you are sure to use the conical tool or the walls. That


Bitcoinc -core -stop

In the qualities of Alternate, you can use the binar “Bitcoinc”:


Bitcoinc -stop

Settings settings of graphic interface

To set the core of bitcoin with the graphic interface, you need to get access to the file “config.txt.

  • Take off the textbook (for example, gedit or netepad ++) and pursue into the following place: /Home/Your_username/.bitcoincore/client.conf

  • Change the file Client.conf, add or change the strokes, controlling the plumage.

Using the Demon for settling graphic interfa

Hying teching is able to use the Demon for the core of the bitcoins, this sub -ethn may not be better. Demon is maintained for subdrazhki systems, and use it for access to the file of configuration can be taken to the problems of the consciousness.

If you want to mow the surveys, so as the blocking of blocks or the transaction of transaction, the launch of the Bitcoin Core from GUI, prefers the best experience of the polish, what launch demon is devoured.


Summarize otoagi:

  • Bitcoin’s stoop from Demon can release conflicts or overload the problems in the IBD.

  • Using the file “config.txt` for setting the Bitcoin baseline is possible and is recommended in the IBD medium.

  • Bitcoin Core, working with GUI, can make the best polish experience, but the Demon’s use for the fig -configuration is not recommended.

Added Resources

Bitcoin: If already started Bitcoin Core using the daemon, and I'm in IBD, if I stop it to start it up again through the GUI, will I run into any issues?

To make up -to -do -of -configuration and the main problems of the bitcoin, dismay the capacity of the consociating with the documentation [ Methyles of bitcoins.

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